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Biography, genealogy and origin of the celebrity monica foster

What is the date of birth of monica foster?

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celebrity monica foster

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Biography of monica foster

Monica Foster is a renowned adult film actress and model known for her work in the entertainment industry. She was born on March 18, 1979, in Atlanta, Georgia. Foster entered the adult entertainment industry in 2000 and quickly gained popularity for her performances in a variety of adult films. Throughout her career, she has worked with top adult film production companies, including Vivid Entertainment and Evil Angel. Foster has earned numerous accolades and awards for her performances, including the AVN Awards. In addition to her work in adult films, Foster has also appeared in mainstream media outlets, including television shows and documentaries. Despite facing challenges and controversies throughout her career, Monica Foster continues to be a prominent figure in the adult entertainment industry, known for her talent, professionalism, and dedication to her craft.

Genealogical research regarding the celebrity monica foster

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